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Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) is a federal requirement for Medicaid-funded personal care and home health services. All 50 States must implement the EVV legal requirements in Medicaid programs for personal care and for home health care services.

In Massachusetts, EVV impacts personal care and home health care services overseen by MassHealth.

The Massachusetts EVV requirement was to be implemented by January 1, 2021, but has been delayed by the COVID pandemic. However, EVV is expected to be implemented in the coming months.

Massachusetts has chosen the MyTimesheet EVV app that is being designed, developed, and implemented by the state’s contractor Optum.

However, other apps such as the ClearCare app that meet the EVV requirements of electronically collecting the following data can be used:

Name of the individual receiving home care services

Name of the caregiver providing the home care services

Details of the type of service provided by the caregiver

Time and date stamp the home care services were performed

Start and end time of services provided

Physical location verification through GEO coding of where home care services were provided

What Does This Mean To Me?

The EVV requirement means that all non-family caregivers providing home care services to clients receiving MassHealth are required to use an approved smartphone app.

Caregivers that are not using an approved smartphone app will no longer be able to provide home care services to these clients.

Basically, as the majority of the clients are on MassHealth, those Aids unable to use these approved EVV apps will no longer be able to have a career as an Aid. These Aids will only be able to serve private clients paying out of pocket for personal care services.

Thus, using the ClearCare app is no longer only a requirement for Unique HomeCare Services, but will soon be a requirement for all Aids in Massachusetts and the other States.

What Do I Have To Do To Remain a Home Care Aid?

You need to get set up on the ClearCare app as soon as possible and use it to Clock In and Clock Out.

For more information on EVV please see:

Mass.gov Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Frequently Asked Questions

Medicaid Electronic Visit Verification (EVV)

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